The Realm of the Tboli's

Colorful Municipal Hall of TBoli give credence to the red and black motifs of the tribal community.

"In Service and Adventures"

A tradition of mountaineering and service outreach was established during the 29th Alpha Phi Omega Biennial Convention in General Santos City, Philippines. Our brethren in Mindanao have created something unique that enhances the occasion and made one of the most
memorable pre-convention climb and "outreach service" to
the indigenous people of South Cotobato.

Al Ybanez photo.

One of southern Mindanao’s indigenous people, the T’boli are concentrated in 
mostly in the highlands of South Cotabato. 
They were the original inhabitants of the whole area of Cotobato until settlers from all over Philippines begin to migrates to there lands. The tribes where then scattered along mountain slopes and lived in remote villages. Their cultural heartland lies in the 
highland lakes of Sebu, Selutan, and Lahit Lakes. 
T’boli, B’laan, and Tiruray belong to a single language group 
and are distinct from the other languages of Mindanao.
Very colorful and beautiful traditional attires which is similar to another highlander
tribes (Igorot) of the Mountain Provinces in northern Philippines.
Cultures and traditions will date back to the ancient Malays culture of the Philippines archipelago.


Arriving in General Santos Regional Airport

General Santos City otherwise known as Gen San a coastal city in the bay of Sarangani in South Cotobato and popularly known as the Tuna Capital of the Philippines or the hometown of the famous boxer Manny Pacquiao. Very urbanized city and it's also the financial capital of South Cotobato and the outlying provinces. 

General Santos City, May 26-28, 2017 for the 29th Alpha Phi Omega National Biennial Convention!
One of the highlight of my trip is to attend the biennial, it was one of the most memorable convention I have attended, personally for me it's one of the best or possibly the best convention I'm involved with. Our brethren in the city have shown us what hospitality is all about, despite the distractions of the Marawi sieges, the curfews (which did not exist in South Cotabato), overall the city is very safe to a thousand of visitors like me. The venue, the activities, the fun camaraderie, reunions, fellowships during the convention is second to none.

The Long Bumpy Road to Holon

Staging point, preparing all the goods and supplies for the outreach service and logistical planning.

Uphill Hike to Kule..



  • At the shadow of Mount Parker (also known as Mt. Melibengoy) is one of the longest and highest mountain range in Tboli, South Cotabato. It encompasses the areas of Baranggay Tudok, Dlanag and Salacafe in Tboli South Cotabato.  It is located 31 kilometers away from poblacion. On its crater lies Lake Holon or Lake Maughan. 

  • T’boli cultural immersion at the villages of Guno Bong or Kule Receiving Center is superb. Our group the Aphio Trekkers did an outreach service handing out school supplies and other needs to the village children. This is the humanitarian highlight of our adventure and rightfully so, in line with the APO principle of Leaderships, Friendships, and Services.

Tree Planting Along The Trail And The Beginning of the Uphill Climb to Lake Holon.

Kule Hunter trail elevates the climb difficulty of Mt. Parker/Lake Holon Places of interest along the Kule trail, like the El Kini hot and cold springs, the Nabanhagan view deck , made Lake Holon hike even more appealing.



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