Yosemite's 4Mile Trail to the Panorama Trail

Weekdays at the Yosemite is much more quieter and the traffic to the park is almost non existent.  I have come to visit the park that I sorely love and cherished every moments of it and this year I have the opportunity to visit it twice, during summer and late fall. Nature for me is like an antidote to get rid of the stresses in life, and being in the wilderness is so much refreshing to my own wellbeing. Despite of some of the aches and pains in my legs which is associated with walking long distance and climbing switchbacks and rock hopping I am very well happy and joyously enjoying myself with mother nature. Yosemite is a gem, it's a paradise for me and I love every inch of it, from Happy Isle to the top of Panorama Point is such an experiences you will not forget in a lifetime. God made it so beautiful so that people from around the world will come and enjoy the place.
The trail begins at the base of Sentinel Rock and the trail inclined immediately for almost 5 miles up. This is a part of an old trail that was completed in 1872 that showcases the beauty of the Yosemite Valley and the opposing walls of granites featuring the Upper Yosemite Falls and the El Capitan. 

This is the beginning of the never ending switchbacks a dizzying zigzags that hugs into the mountain wall and it will only ends till you reach the ancient forest at the top. 

My boy scouts sign, be prepared. It doesn't matter if your doing a day hike or a long backpacking treks, it's always a good practice of making sure you have the supplies and provisions you need. Plan ahead, list necessary things that you may need in case of unforeseen emergencies. 

The trail is well maintained by park rangers and trail crews, it's a heavily used trail especially on the weekends and during summer vacations.

Early morning arrival at the trail head, temperature is below freezing roughly around 29 degrees Fahrenheit, slowly warming up as you go up and when the sun is up before noon.

At this time the trail is so quiet and so serene, the only noises are my heavy breathing, first half mile I'm gasping for air, body acclimating to higher elevations, and the sounds of my footsteps.

Fall season is upon us and the trail has plenty of colors to show, from a yellow orange red dogwood leaves, orange colored mountain maples, and bronze colored leaves of berry's and perennials. 

Sentinel Rock imposing stature and its bottom is the trail head.

The weather in Yosemite is just perfect for hikers, either in summer of fall, fall is a little colder and early morning the temperature is below freezing. Bundle up a bit with ultra light down jackets and a good base layer preparedly  wool long sleeves shirt. Once the sun is up it gets a little warmer as the mid day wears on. 
Plenty of water source during spring time, bring a filtration system and your good to go, streams have flowing water all through summer and some will get dried up during the fall season. Glacier point has a water faucet and its good for drinking, but the park will turned it off during October. The nearest water supplies after Glacier Point is around 2 miles down the Panorama trail near the Illilouette Falls. So make sure have plenty of supplies while in the 4Mile trail all the way down to the Panorama during fall season.

Halfway thru the 4Mile trail Half Dome will show it's magnificent stature.

The 4Mile dotted with vistas in almost every turns, the highlight of my hiking is to photographed the views and the experienced of being in the wilderness. I hope you enjoy the photographic moments and the views of the two iconic Yosemite trails the 4Miles and Panorama Trail.


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