Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift…

In the economic world “paradigm shift” is a term being used by companies to radically replaced a corporate structure and other financial aspects in a more viable and profitable ventures. In the book of Stephen Covey - 7 Habits of Effective People, have mentioned the word, as I quote his book, “Difficult circumstances often create paradigm shifts, whole new frames of reference by which people see the world and themselves and others in it, and what life is asking of them. Their larger perspective reflects the attitudinal values that life and inspire us all. (p. 75).” End of quote. In the context of science paradigm shift evolves in a more complex theory in regards to anomalies that cannot be explained, concepts in mathematics, the environment, and in the context of philosophy paradigm shift talks about the complexity of relativism.

In the real world of you and me, can we apply this concept of paradigm shift into our personal wellbeing’s? The answer is “yes”, it happens to all of us, either we are aware of it or not, knowingly or unknowingly. Life changing events is always occurring in our personal environments, examples of this are like getting married, having children, death in the family, new job, new careers, unemployment’s, business closures, and hundreds or even thousands of aspects in life that we encounter daily. There is so much challenges we have to face, goals we have to meet, deadlines, aspirations, etc.  It’s really a life of “hit and misses”, victories and defeats, successes and struggles, winners and losers, a never ending cycle of events as long as we live.

My query is, “how do we make good use of this so called paradigm shift, and stay focused in the renewal of our mindset? In my own “personal” experience and opinion, my mind was renewed in the guidance of a heavenly power far greater from anything in this world has to offer. A radical change in personal beliefs you might say and you are absolutely right, it is indeed. The point is, the paradigm shift had given me the strength and courage to face my difficult challenges, attitudes towards conducting my business affairs, my involvement with Christian ministries and other community organization, and also the complicated nature of raising a family, finances, and other life issues. Yes the shifts turn into a positive personal victory, and by adhering to God’s calling of renewal. Inner peace comes to mind, when I renewed my vow to our Lord Jesus Christ, and never look back again to the life of destruction and pain.

People might say, “another religious born again story”, and some may disagree on my personal experience, but the point on my blog is that it has helped me personally to become a better person. My personal outlook in life is to be more like Him, to become Holy. Although the path to holiness is not an easy road to take, in this modern world temptation abound, we are being bombarded with all kinds of unworthy media, political views that cut in the heart of our traditions and beliefs. In the grace of God and by fervent prayer and getting involved in the partaking of God’s work, helping others, an emissary of peace, giving alms, loving thy neighbors, serving the Church and the community, I believed in the “hope”, and with the blessing of greater and stronger faith, I could proudly say that someday I may attain what God wants me to be, “to become Holy”.  In my old self I could care less about doing those worthy activities, I could just go to a casino partying and even gamble my life away, or binged drinking on any given day, or other unworthy activities in life. That’s why I’m so thankful that I’m surrounded with people that have guided me, loved me, prayed for me, and have shown me the life of righteousness, very determined to introduced me back to my Lord and Savior, and they were instrumental in helping me to attained my personal paradigm shift.

In the Spiritual context meaning of “paradigm shift”, the Greek word “metanoia” comes to mind, it has several meaning, but the one that strike me the most is the word “repentance”. Metanoia is called repentance, the rhetorical meaning would be is “correction”. Merriam Webster define it as “a transformative change of heart; especially in a spiritual conversion.” So in the context of spiritual conversion, the song of David would be a good example, titled “Create In Me A Clean Heart”, a song that transcend into the premise of renewing oneself. “Repentance and Faith” in the Couples For Christ, Christian Life Program first module, talked about the importance of turning away or repenting from the life of sinfulness, and unworthiness, a renewal of the mind in conformity with the life of Jesus Christ, Faith on the other hand is  belief in the good news of salvation in Jesus. It is a belief in Jesus as our personal Savior. Therefore let us put our mind at ease, knowing that there is a solution to all the challenges that we are facing in life. Changing our mindset to something positive coupled that with the grace and guidance of the Holy Ghost our outlook in life will be much fruitful. The apostle Paul once said, the journey is difficult, we traversed into choppy waters, but with a renewed mind and faith, nothing can separate us from the love of God, He will always be there to rescue you and me. His calling us to be with Him in our journey, all we have to do is to respond to His calling. Come to the feast of heaven and earth, come all to the table of plenty, God will provide in all that we need, all we have to do is act. May the love of Christ be with you!


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