The Royal Highness Kit Fox

The Royal Highness Kit Fox - one of the most amazing animal in Kern County CA is the San Joaquin Kit Fox. A highly secretive animal that is native to the area, and it's one of the most endangered animals in California. The kit fox is the size of a house cat, with elongated ears, a long bushy tail and furry toes that help to keep it cool in a hot and dry Bakersfield environment. A yellowish-grey fur makes this animal a natural camouflage that blend with the dry brush of its environment.

This fellow on the picture lives on a protected area of the 18th fairway on a private golf course, it's den is in the shadow of a big valley oak tree and a view from a huge imposing mansion. I coined this guy as the Royal Highness because he lives in a protected, no trespassing taped area of Seven Oaks Country Club, talking about living in a place full of mansions, where members have to pay 35 grand for just initiation fee, and 300 bucks a month membership fee, whewww. Thanks to the golf course management they made sure and made all the effort that this fellow will not be disturbed and harmed. If a golf ball will cross the line of the taped protected area, a player will not be able to retrieve it, and considered out of bounds. During the day time Royal Highness comes out of his protective den and watching the duffers chasing there golf balls that's going wayward. I got lucky when I was approaching the 18th green when I noticed him coming out from the den, I quickly pull out my camera phone and was able to take a photo of the Royal Highness.

Royal Highness Selfie...


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