Simply Cambria California


CAMBRIA - The Latin name of Wales. Some similarity with that place in UK in terms of climate and coastal landscapes. According to some writing that in 1869 a land surveyor from Cambria County, Pennsylvania have named the place Cambria, because the local topography and flora reminded him of that place.

What I love about Cambria? It's a very special place for me and my wife, ever since when were dating back in the days the place is always the top of the list in where to go. I've been coming back and forth here for God knows how many time, during the early years when I was still single I've helped my brother with his farming business in one of the local ranch in Cambria. My fondness of bbq perhaps can be traced back here in the Central Coast of California, whereas on ranches and ranch owners sometimes they will throw the biggest bbq party ever for the farmers and ranch hands in the area. The famous Santa Maria bbq originated in this part of the world where some of the finest beef's comes from. San Simeon and the Hearst Ranch sells prime beef products at there shop at the Hearst Castle Visitors Center.

THE VILLAGE CHARM - this historic place of the Central Coast of California have a long history that dates back from the 1st European that landed in Morro Bay, and according to the historical marker, it's the place where the first Filipino's set foot in America on the of 18 October, 1587. They arrived aboard the Nuestra Señora de Buena Esperanzaduring the famous Galleon Trade between Manila and Acapulco. The ship landed near the Morro rock and the "Manilenos" ordered to go find fresh waters along the Santa Rosa Creek, but they came in contact with Chumash tribes and were chased back into the ocean, one Spaniard and one Filipino died as a result of the skirmish.  

Notable locations in the town include the historic Old Santa Rosa Chapel, which was built in 1870, and as one of the oldest churches in the county of San Luis Obispo, held Catholic mass until 26 May 1963.

SAN SIMEON AND THE HEARST LAND - Hearst Castle, San Simeon, is a National Historic Landmark and a California Historical Landmark, a museum like no other in the whole of USA. Conceived by William Randolph Hearst, the publishing tycoon, and his architect Julia Morgan, it was built between 1919 and 1947. Known formally as "La Cuesta Encantada", the Enchanted Hills. Most of the land that encompasses San Simeon is owned by the Hearst Foundation, some of this land was ceded to the State of California Park Service that now manages the famous castle in top of the hill, and it's now one of the top attraction in the Central Coast. 

Horses and cattle's dominate the area, the cattle population quadruple in numbers compared to the human inhabitants in the area. 

MORRO BAY - from the distance you can see the famous Morro rock like a giant floating ship. It's one of our favorite destinations whenever the hot summer weather will hit Bako and you need reprieves from the searing heat. 

Ahhh Moonstone beach is such a mesmerizing place, sunset when it's clear late afternoon, romantic foggy cold ocean breeze, boardwalks for miles, and great place to stay. Two place that my wife and I love the most, the quiet nooks of Oceanpoint Ranch, the other one is the El Colibre Hotel and Spa. another recommended place to stay is the Cambria Pines Lodge. 

A seafood restaurant overlooking the sunset of Moonstone beach.


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